
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Hot Dogs & Cool Cats

LOVE this lesson!!! Kindergartners learn two new color families: warm & cool colors.The title of this lesson is as old as dirt but I put my own spin on the execution with one of my favorite techniques-- taking a wet paintbrush to watercolor markers. Easy to finish in one 45 minute class too!
Steps to create this lesson:
1. Introduce warm and cool color families.
2. Fold a 12"x18" piece of drawing paper in half. I usually have this ready before students come.
3. Draw eyes, nose, mouth, ears and whiskers at the top of the paper with a sharpie.
4. Draw paws and claws at the bottom of the paper with sharpie.
5. Add lots of lines (don't color) using warm colored washable markers for the "hot dog" and cool colored washable markers for the "cool cat". Fill up the whole dog and cat all the way down to the paws.
6. Pass out cups of water and paintbrushes and let students paint over thier marker lines- encourage them not to go overboard so they don't lose the TEXTURE!
That's it! Easy as pie! It doesn't get much cuter than this.


  1. I think this is the cutest. It's fun, it's easy, and it teaches the concept on point! I hope you don't mind if I replicate this in my classroom!
